Letter from the Editors

There’s something about a fresh start that gets us excited. And honestly, the timing of this start is just perfect. Many of us, recently vaccinated, are emerging from our year-long cocoon of distancing and insulation. Many are beginning that trek back to normal — whatever the heck that is. After what felt like a year-long winter, spring is in full swing, flowers are blooming, birds are chirping in the trees, and the world around is budding with possibility. It’s an ample metaphor for new beginnings, for new creation, for new energy. 

Empowered Teacher is the beginning of a new way for teachers. Ever since the pandemic struck, we’ve seen teachers cast aside, without support, left on an island. It begged a simple question: why isn’t there a group built to offer community, support, and help to teachers? 

This magazine is just a part of our answer, but it’s an important part. Written by teachers for teachers, this magazine is truly bringing something new into the world. Even more important than telling the honest truth about our profession … more important than swapping war stories with friends … Empowered Teacher is a rallying cry for changemaking teachers around the nation.

It’s only right that our first issue be themed with new beginnings. In this issue, you’ll read stories of innovation and new ideas. Travis Bouldin, a teacher in Washington, D.C., who uses an unconventional approach to bring kids to life in the classroom. Tiana, a teacher in rural Montana, dedicated to raising up entrepreneurial young minds. You’ll get inspiration on how to reimagine yourself from important names in mental health, self-help, and professional development. And, you’ll get fun tidbits that help you bring new tools and ideas to your classroom. 

We’re excited to bring you something that is truly built by and for teachers. We’re more excited to bring you something valuable, something honest, something new. 

Happy reading,

The Editors