Classroom Culture Guide

Teachers and students deserve a space where everyone is welcome, respected, and able to do their best work. That’s easier said than done.

Download and use our classroom culture guide to start the year in a collaborative, engaged shared space.

94% of Empowered Educators LOVE their work1

For 30+ years, we’ve helped thousands of teachers find more fulfillment and joy in the classroom. How can we help you have your best year?

We know that emboldened teachers are vital in helping to transform education and to improve student outcomes. That’s why we extend educators of K-12-aged students the trust, respect, and support they deserve. It is also why we’ve collaborated to build a set of customizable and FREE tools that help them bring learning to life.

We’ll help you make this your best year so you can do the same for your students.

Our Empowered Hub offers any educator FREE access to:

Great educators are change makers. They are drawn to the profession by the change to improve student outcomes. Too often they, instead, feel hampered by traditional learning models and outdated indicators of success.

There IS a better way. Empowered believes that learning should draw from and apply to real life. We believe that for students to create and seize opportunities in life, they need teachers who are doing the same thing. Let us help you. 

1 – “94% of Empowered Educators love their work” is based on internal 2022-23 School Year Educator Survey data where teachers were asked if they would choose to teach again.